Deploying a single-node environment

To deploy a single-node Open edX environment for testing and evaluation purposes, use the edx-single-node.yaml template. You must set two mandatory parameters when invoking Heat:

  • public_net_id, which must be set to the UUID of your external network;
  • key_name, which is the name of the Nova keypair that you'll be using to log in once the machines have spun up.
openstack stack create \
    --template heat-templates/hot/edx-single-node.yaml \
    --parameter public_net_id=<uuid> \
    --parameter key_name=<name> \

To verify that the stack has reached the CREATE_COMPLETE state, run:

openstack stack show <stack_name>

Once stack creation is complete, you can use heat output-show to retrieve the IP address of your Open edX host:

openstack stack output show <stack_name> public_ip
ssh ubuntu@<public_ip>

Give the node a few minutes to complete its cloud-init configuration, which will install all ansible prerequisites, including the edx-configuration repository (check the contents of /var/log/cloud-init.log for details). Once cloud-init is done, you will be able to start the ansible playbook run from within edx-configuration.

Before you do so, however, you should enable the "localhost" host variables, which will configure this deployment of Open edX. Due to how Ansible variable precedence works, it is recommended that you copy the sample ones to a separate directory:

cp /var/tmp/edx-configuration/playbooks/openstack /var/tmp/edx-configuration-secrets
cd /var/tmp/edx-configuration-secrets/host_vars
cp localhost.example localhost
cd /var/tmp/edx-configuration/playbooks
ansible-playbook -i ../../edx-configuration-secrets/inventory.ini -c local openstack-single-node.yml

As mentioned above, this playbook run may take one hour or more. After it's done, log out of the edx node and edit your local /etc/hosts. If you didn't change the example localhost host variables, enter the following, substituting public_ip for the IP address you obtained above:


You should now be able to access both the LMS and Studio using the following HTTPS URLs, respectively:

Single node with the hastexo XBlock

If you want to deploy the hastexo XBlock together with Open edX to your single node, go back to your installed node and:

  • Locate the following variables in /var/tmp/edx-configuration-secrets/host_vars/localhost (which you created above) and change them as described. Set the os_* variables to the OpenStack cloud of your choice.
  - name: "git+"
  - 'hastexo'
        os_auth_url: ""
        os_auth_token: ""
        os_username: ""
        os_password: ""
        os_user_id: ""
        os_user_domain_id: ""
        os_user_domain_name: ""
        os_project_id: ""
        os_project_name: ""
        os_project_domain_id: ""
        os_project_domain_name: ""
        os_region_name: ""
  • Check out the hastexo/integration/base branch of edx-configuration, which contains the gateone role:
$ cd /var/tmp/edx-configuration
$ git checkout -b hastexo/integration/base origin/hastexo/integration/base
  • Add the gateone role to openstack-single-node.yml and rerun that playbook:
$ cd /var/tmp/edx-configuration/playbooks
$ vim openstack-single-node.yaml
 - certs
 - demo
 - gateone
$ ansible-playbook -i ../../edx-configuration-secrets/inventory.ini -c local openstack-single-node.yaml